Ms. Lackey's Class is off to a great start learning routines and expectations, making friends, and having fun while learning. Some things your child knows and may or may not have shared with you:
*Each student can bring their own healthy snack. They will have it at 11:15am.
*Library is on Thursdays.
*PE is on Day 3. Students can keep track in their assignment book.
*Students should be reading at home. The minimum is 15 minutes a night or 6o minutes a week. They can read 30 minutes in one night and 15 minutes on two other night. Break it up in your schedule for what works for you. My goal is to have children love to read, not dread it. You can also read to them, they can read to a sibling, they could play a game that requires them to read too. I just need parents to sign in the assignment book, send me an e-mail, or write a note confirming that your child read. There is some extra recess time on Fridays they can earn if they reach their goal.
*Homework - I like to give time for the students to get their work done in class. I would rather they work on skills at home. There are several options of some computer programs. Students know how to get to my blog and all of the programs are linked in the upper right hand corner. If there isn't a computer for the student to use, they can read, do math flashcards, write their own story problems, write in a journal, and ask lots of why questions.
*No school on Monday, September 4th.
*Parent information night is Monday, September 11th from 4:30-5:30pm. There will be a session at 4:30pm and another one at 5:00pm. I will walk you through your child's day and explain the routines and expectations. It's a great time for asking questions. If you can't make it, we can talk by phone, e-mail, or a note.
*There is a field trip coming up on Thursday, September 21st. More information will be coming. This and three other field trips are for students only. In the Spring, we have a field trip that parents are invited to go on. Those dates are still getting confirmed.
We welcome birthday treats! There are 22 of us. All August birthdays are celebrated at the beginning of the year. June and July birthdays are celebrated in May.
For math, we do flexible grouping. Your child might have a different math teacher sometime during the year.
We are learning about maps and globes in Social Studies first quarter. For 2nd and 3rd quarter our class will travel to Mrs. Duytschaver for Science and Miss Lockhart for Health and Technology.