Friday, September 22, 2017

Field trips

Upcoming field trip dates:

Seasons field trips:

Monday, September 25th 10:05-2:30 at Monsanto
 Monday, November 20th  10:05-2:30 at Monsanto
Thursday, February 1st, 10:05-2:30 at Monsanto
Thursday, May 9th   8:30-2:30 at Monsanto and Lock and Dam  - Parents are welcome.

Louisa County Historical Society:
Wednesday, April 4th 8:45-1:30 at Wapello Museum and Wapello Park

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

PIN Night information

At PIN Night, I talked about academics, expectations, and our schedule.

Assignment books are used every day.  At the bottom, is a place for parents to record reading minutes and initial each day.  We can also use it to communicate with each other.

Reading minutes - the minimum is 60 minutes a week.  45 minutes for a four day week.  It is rewarded with an extra recess on Fridays.  If the minimum requirement is not met, students will read around the room on Fridays instead of having recess.  Students have set their own goal.  I want them to enjoy reading and not hate reading.  If they need help finding a series, a favorite author, or an alternative way to reach their reading minutes, contact me.  We can try some different things.

We start our day with leveled reading where each student is in a group reading at their ability level.  Fourth graders are expected to answer questions in complete sentences.  We also rotate through the chrome books on mylexia,, connect ed.

Students go to specials next.  We have a four day rotation of Art, computer, PE, music.  The special they have is written in the assignment book.

Whole group reading in with the entire class.  We work on vocabulary on Monday, skills on Tuesday, comprehension test on Wednesday, vocabulary test on Thursday, cold read test on Friday.  When students pas a skill, they move on to an extension activity.  When they do not pass a skill, there will be an intervention given.  All tests will be corrected.

Spelling coordinates with the reading program.  This might be assigned as homework.  Monday - write words three times, Tuesday - spelling skill worksheet, Wednesday - find the misspelled words and write a paragraph, Thursday - study, Friday - test

Students go to recess at 11:45 and lunch is at 12:05.  They come in at 12:30 and fill out assignment books.  I read aloud at this time.  I'm currently reading Nightmare Mountain by Peg Kehret.  She has a lot of suspense in her novels.

At 12:45, all fourth graders go to math class.  We do flexible grouping where we pretest students' skills and divide them into three groups based on what they are ready for.  All students receive the same pretest and post test.

There is a second recess from 2:00-2:15pm.

The last part of our day, we spend on Social Studies and have some homework support time or math intervention.  In 2nd and 3rd quarter, my class will go to Mrs. Duytschaver for Science or Miss Lockhart for Health and Technology.  The order has not been determined yet.  For fourth quarter, they'll be back with me to cover anything we didn't get to with our thematics.

There is about 20 minutes left for math intervention, homework, or extension activities.

We will have our counselor, Mrs. VanSickle give us lessons once every three weeks.  She'll come in on Tuesdays from 11:10-11:40am.  Students will also go to the library every Tuesday morning.  They can checkout from the classroom library as well.

Each student can bring their own healthy snack daily, but for birthday treats and parties, bring it on.

If you have questions, e-mail, send a note, or call me.  My cell phone is 563-260-1557.  You can leave a message and I will get back to you.

It is my hope that your fourth grader will have fun learning!

Thank you!

Monday, September 11, 2017

Field trips with Louisa County Conservation

4th grade field trips
Seasons of the Prairie
Big Sand Mound

1 hour/classroom

Seasons of the Prairie 
Big Sand Mound

Seasons of the Prairie
Big Sand Mound / Lock and Dam  
(Parents can attend this one.)

There is a field trip that is donated to 4th grade from the Louisa County Historical Society.  That has not been scheduled yet.